Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Patriot Award

We received a letter in the mail about a week ago from Bryce's school saying that he was getting the Patriot award this month from the gym teacher. We didn't know what it meant exactly but we were invited to the assembly to find out. Bryce was very excited. That was until his name was announced and he had to walk up on stage. Then he had to stand there until the rest of the names were called. He was hiding his face behind the award. Wait, it gets better...Then they put all the names into a bucket (about 30) and pick one child to be the principal for the day. And guess what, Bryce's name was picked. Now neither of us knew anything about this. Well, he had to walk over and they put a suit coat on him. Everyone was clapping and lets just say that he was not handling it well. He turned around to go to the back of the stage and they made him come tot he front and sit down. As he was doing this he started to curl up and I knew he was upset. So I walked around the the front on the side of the stage and asked him if I could get a picture. Well, that wasn't on his mind. His teacher made her way up there and was trying to talk to him. He was almost in tears, that's right...TEARS. Now what child would be upset to be the principal for a day. Mine of course. Anyway, he took the coat off, the principal talked to him and he was a little bit better. Then I told him he could wear his tie that day and he was fine. When he got home from school, the first thing he told me was that he was embarrassed and didn't know what to do. We talked more about it and now he is very excited. More to come when the day actually arrives!! Here are a few pics...I know the quality isn't the best but I was far away and cracking up and trying to video tape all at the same time.

Bryce is the one with the award in front of his face

Still has it there

After he got principal for the day

Another kid trying to comfort him

Isn't he so proud??

1 comment:

  1. awwwww. congrats to brycey. who wants to be principal for a day any way? they should have just let him have a free ice cream treat after lunch all week. now that is something he probably would have appreciated much better:)
